We waited for the first hottest day of summer (101F!) to do it, but with the fabulous help of friends we moved completely into our new home. We were there for a week before leaving for vacation, managing to unpack quite a few boxes, although there is a mound in the basement still to deal with. Fortunately the weather cooled off enough to enjoy a few dinners on the back porch, and I have found that on warm afternoons the place to be is on the shaded, breezy front porch, where I can read or knit and watch the colorful characters parading up and down the street. Quite literally--one night there was a person wearing feather boas roller skating around and around the block. We think she might be part of the
Portland Roller Derby group, which is definitely on our list to check out.

Maine was wonderful, as always. Although we had a rocky start (including C being stung by a hornet and reacting horribly (he now has an epi-pen) and a boat motor that conked out seemingly at whim, requiring one tow in to the marina), everything worked out toward the end. We were able to spend a long, last weekend on the Island, situated in Casco Bay just outside of the town of Brunswick (home of Bowdoin College). Here's the view last Saturday morning. Can't beat that. And, C even agreed to go with me to Bath, home of
Halcyon, where I picked up a couple of books and drooled over the cones of Harrisville shetland. I'm now eager to knit up some throw pillow covers to dress up our new living room.

While in Maine I finished another pair of Trekking socks, similar in method to my Mother's Day socks although using a different rib & cable. This time I finished the cuff with a few rows of alternating garter and stocking stitch, resulting in a hem that has enough give without flaring out too much. Fun socks for cool summer mornings and nights.

Oh--one more photo. I found this great mitten pattern on
this site and couldn't resist the squirrels. I did make two modifications to the pattern. I found the thumb line on the chart too low for my longish hands so I moved it up about an inch. Also, instead of sewing down the cuff facing afterwards, I picked up the cast on edge and did a three-needle bindoff at the first solid contrast color row about the tall pines. Still have to knit the thumb, and then make another; I am looking forward to wearing them this winter. Thanks, Elli!
Ah, Maine...so beautiful! I really miss it. Thanks for the little glimpse. And I adore both your socks and your fabulous squirrel mitten. I've been thinking a lot about mittens like this - I think that's what people in my family are going to get for Christmas this year. Yesterday was too hot to do anything but lie on the floor near the basement vent and read through Folk Knitting in Estonia, and that really made me want to get going on a few pairs. If only this heat wave would break! Welcome back - give me a shout if you want to do any knitting in the next week or so!
I love your squirrel socks-I would love to make this pattern for my Mom(whose squirrels knock on her door if their food is gone) but I can't get it to download-I have Adobe 6.0 but 7.0 is really costly. Could you possibly e-mail the pattern to me at moohlah@ia4u.nt?? Thanks so much. your knitting is great.
Pat DeLeeuw
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