Merry Christmas from Thailand! We arrived a week ago and are having a wonderful trip. This photo was taken at one of the hundreds of Wats that are in the area of Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand. We've seen the palace in Bangkok, ridden an elephant, and eaten wonderful Thai food. The people are warm and friendly. We have another week to spend here, which will allow us to see more of Chiang Mai, as well as a side trip to the Mekong and Laos. There are wonderful handicrafts by the hill tribes people, and I am hoping to go to many more markets before we return home. One Christmas present I received from our family here was a knitting bag, complete with a needle case, pincushion, and case for scissors, all made by women of a local hilltribe. I've seen wool mittens and socks in the markets, although I'm not sure if they were knit here in Thailand or are from a neighboring country. I did see at least two local women crocheting while working in the Night Bazaar, a sprawling night market with just about anything you could imagine. There is so much to see!
Wishing you happy holidays!
You seem to enjoy 'Happy Holidays' indeed. Belated Merry Christmas greetings from here anyway.
I would love to see more pictures from your trip and the markets, it sounds so exciting.
Sounds like a wonderful visit so far. Yes, do show us more photos! Your knitting bag and supplies sounds terrific! Happy New Year!
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